Thursday, 18 October 2012

Sometime schema problem of xml document may disturb Programmer

XDMP-URI: (err:FODC0004) fn:collection("LIVE_CHUNKS ISDA-AMD-AGRT > Conditions Precedent and Secured Par...") -- Invalid URI format: "LIVE_CHUNKS ISDA-AMD-AGRT > Conditions Precedent and Secured Party's / Obligee's Rights and

in /Colossus.xqy, at 2029:80 [1.0-ml]
Troubleshooting : Here the problem is in database where a document file  elements text is partitioned into two lines due to which the collection can't access that element.

                <FullName>Conditions Precedent and Secured Party's / Obligee's Rights and

here text "Conditions Precedent and Secured Party's / Obligee's Rights and
                    Remedies." is partitioning into two seperate line

So the correct way is :

                <FullName>Conditions Precedent and Secured Party's / Obligee's Rights and Remedies.</FullName>

Friday, 5 October 2012

Default format in marklogic is .xml

When i change any document in database which is other than .xml format then the document will corrupted.

Reason: when we load any document in database then by default <format> option of xdmp:load saves document into .xml format.Let say  when we load "abc.html" then originally it saves into database in xml format.If we change anything by opening in database explorer and save then it will save into html format and hence undetermined for Marklogic Server.Hence particular document would be corrupted.